Thursday, March 15, 2012

Make A Family Plan For Your better Life

The term,” family planning” is now widespread and popular one. It means the planning for the family according to this. Planning are devised how to live in a planned way. Which is meant for happiness and peace in every family .this covers how to control birth rate.

Through out the whole world the family planning has become a phenomenal headache for those who alwyes think about the interest of humanity .along with the threat of war in different corners of the world, population explosion has become another potential threat about which we are every moment so anxious. From the world health organization sermon are being given to adopt measures for the planed family. Every country Government has declared the population problem as number one problem. During the current fiscal year a great amount of the money has been sanctioned to execute the steps adopted under the family planning.

Density of population is great problem for a small country .For a small country resources are limited but the rate at which the population is increasing is so high that the population explosion can not be regarded as potential than the threat coming from new clear explosion. So in present context, the adoption of family planning has become a must for the population of the country.

So to arrest the high rate of population, the government has earmarked a separate ministry under which many people are working to popularize the scheme among the people .the people are being convinced of the advantage expected from family planning .the instances of the developed countries of the world are to be cited before them so that can more easily be persuaded in this persuaded in this line. They are to be the religious nation that they have .correct religious interpretation is to be presented before the illiterate people.

To be successful in this line, spread of education is a must. The light of education is to be disseminated among the unlettered masses. This will facilitate the adoption of family planning. In every nook nod corner the people appointed under the family planning scheme should be active. Radio and television are to be easily even in the remotest corner of the country. They can be regarded as the best modern media to popularize the family planning.

If the education section of the population comes forward and set examples, the ordinary people will see the fruits of the scheme and will gladly come forward to accept it. This heavy responsibility has fallen on the lettered people and they play vital role. If we fall to understand the gravity of the present situation arising out of the high rate of population we have every likelihood to lag behind the present world controlled by science and reason.

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